The Western Girl Update #3

the-western-girl-2Hi everyone, the western girl sculpt is near the end of the initial sculpting stage, just the long trail of hair to the right of the sculpt to define and the addition of the final details (hat badge, medal and buttons). The next stage will see it going into primer, this is where the  fun starts and is always the place where the real definition starts to appear.

If there was one important lesson that I took away from the years I was in professional model making, is that the final finish make or breaks the job. Primer does this job effectively every time and its not unheard of that I will repeatedly re-prime the figure between sanding sessions to build up low areas, to cut in new details, even hand paint decorative details (which would be so much harder to control in clay!).

A week or two more work on this and I will take a casting from it, I’ve yet to work out a price on it (the sculpt is 100mm x 110mm, so its pretty big!) but it will be calculated on resin weight compared to the Marie Tepe figure in price.

Until the next time…

…wishing you all good health and happiness.


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  1. penny meyer

    Can’t wait!

    • Rich Odell

      Hi Penny – I’ve a couple more weeks on this sculpt but I will taking castings from it. Spending a lot of time getting the hair right, there is lots of it and its a make or break element of the whole look.

    • Wayne E. Weatherwax

      aka Annie Oakley rides again”Little Shureshot”

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