Sherlock #2

Holme-Stage-2As you can see the Sherlock sculpt has moved on quite a way since my last blog post – work has started on the upper part of the figure and is progressing well (although I am at the crease and fold overload point at the moment!).

The book was made away from the figure and baked before adding it to the sculpt. I find it easier to push the raw clay onto a baked surface, rather than pussy footing around a soft finished section that can so easily be dented by other work. This is also the case for the cuff within the dressing gown, this will be added after the first bake.

The plan is to take this project up to the end of the initial rough sculpt stage and then leave it for a week and return with a fresh pair of eyes, I will also be taking a few photo’s of it to see where things can be improved (I’ve found the camera never lies, it has been a good indicator in the past on what I can improve on).

During this cooling off period I thought it would be a good to get the paints out and see what i can do with the tin flats I purchased a few weeks ago – this however will not be an easy task as I not painted anything for over 20 years! Whatever the results will be I will chronicle what I’m up to, so please drop by to see how I’m doing.

trumpeterBefore I sign off this is a flat I painted way back in the early 80’s. Its a bit battered and worn but I thought I would post it up just to let you see. Lets hope I can improve on this a little 🙂

Until the next time…

…wishing you all good health and happiness.


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  1. It looks great so far.

  2. Kjeld Buchholtz

    Rich, you have taken one of my favorite “Sherlock’s“ Jeremy Brett, and made, what so far, looks really good, it’s a difficult stance to portray, a sitting man, do reaserve one for me, when it’s done, excellent rendition on the fabric and creases, I would love to test my brushes on this one, great work.

    • Rich Odell

      Thank you Kjeld – when it is ready I will put one aside for.

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